Colyton High School uses different online communications for students and parents / carers.
These include:
- Student Department of Education Portal (Required) – Email, Software downloads, online games. Automatic access – Same username and password as primary school (public schools)
- Compass Protal App (Required) – Colyton High School has decided to move our Online Student and Parent Portal to Compass. This move means that Students, Parents and Carers have everything they need for school in ONE APP!
Detailed information, how to guides and links will be sent via email.
View the compass “How To Guides and videos” for information on how it works. Compass is a One-Stop-Shop!
The App and Portal will ensure that you informed and up to date with everything related to your child’s educational journey and everything happening across the school.
Download the App below:
Android -
iOS -
- Facebook @ColytonHS (Optional) – Upcoming Events, stories, photos, reminders
- Instragram@colytonhighschool (Optional) – Great photos and videos of students and school community doing amazing things.