Colyton High School

A community building pathways to success

Telephone02 9623 2789

Year 10 Job Readiness Workshop

Fifty students from year ten will be selected to participate in our Job Readiness Workshop. This engaging and interactive program is designed to equip students with practical and proactive steps to develop essential employability skills for the real world. The workshop aims to achieve the following:

  • Enable students to create a clear framework for their career and educational aspirations.
  • Help stdents recognise and articulate their existing skills, enhancing their ability to identify and secure relevant job opportunities.
  • Cultivate and practice essential employability skills crucial for success in the professional world.
  • Facilitate connections with local employers and Educational Pathways VET Ambassadors, fostering valuable career development opportunities, networks, and informal mentorship.

This workshop will provide valuable insights and experiences for your child's future success in their chosen career path, and attending is compulsory.